Chapter and Airport News

We are thrilled to announce Sharon Suleiman, and Paxx Weidert, receive our Scholarship Award for 2024 and will represent Chapter 526 at the EAA Air Academy Basic Camp this year. And congratulations to Claire Delany for being awarded a Flight Training Scholarship.
For the latest airport news, take a look at the Auburn Aviation Association (AAA) newsletters provided below or visit their WEBsite.

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Chapter 526 News

Tom Meadows:
We were very honored to have Tom Meadows fly down from Truckee for our Young Eagle event April 20th. Tom has received special recognition from the EAA for flying over 2,000 Young Eagles, and clearly he isn't slowing down. It was very kind of Tom to make the trip from Truckee and very special to have him fly for our event.

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Elina Bergstrom Solo:
Elina Bergstrom, EAA Chapter 526 Ray Scholarship student completed her first solo flight Feb 23rd 2024. Most recently, she received news on March 21 that she has been accepted into the United States Air Force Academy. Congratulations Elina! We are very proud of what you have accomplished.

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Visit Scholarships Page

Sydney Green, 2022 EAA Ch. 526 Ray Scholar, Passes Checkride:
Congratulations to Sydney Green who passed her Private Pilot checkride with Mark Montague as her DPE on Labor Day 2023.

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Sydney was selected as the Chapter 526 Ray Scholar in the Spring of 2022 and began her flight training at Sunshine Flyers that June. Sydeny paused flight training during her freshman year of college in Southern California, and resumed lessons this summer.
And now with a lot of hard work and dedication, Sydney has earned her Private Pilot’s License (PPL) and we are all very proud of her. A very special thanks to Mike Duncan and the flight instructors at Sunshine Flyers who were dedicated to Sydney’s continuous advancement and ultimate achievement of her pilot’s license.

RV-12iS Build feature SpotLight article:
Check out the first in a series of Chapter 526 SpotLight articles and read about Michael and Karsten Murphy's RV-12iS build. Whenever I bumped into these two at the airport I always looked forward to hearing more about the build, their flying and in the air I must say Karsten's radio work is excellent. Take a look at the article here or the projects section of the WEBsite "SpotLight Article" and a sincere congratulations to Michael and Karsten Murphy, they fly this plane a lot.

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Live AWOS data:
The Auburn AWOS is intergrated to a variety of systems and provides over-the-air weather updates on 119.375 but what many people don't know is that it also features it's own WEBserver. Take a look at all it provides.


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AMOS RC Presentation:
David Long, President of the Associated Modelers of Sacramento (AMOS) provided a presentation to the EAA Chapter 526 and brought along his impressive turbine powered RC jet. David provided background information about the AMOS flying field, structure of the organization, detailed information about their youth program and charity fundraising activities.

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If you're interested in RC aircraft, or want to get your kids interested in flying we encourage you to follow the link below to learn more. Very similar to the Chapter 526 Young Eagle program, AMOS runs a Mavrix Youth Division to get young people flying. They provide a free hands-on safe experience at a premier, high quality flying field located in Lincoln, Ca. with qualified instructors. Check it out now!


Brent Smith's Mini-Imp Build:
This is another very fascinating build so be sure to come back and check progress as Brent Smith builds out this very impressive single seat Mini-Imp. The mid-engine design creates some unique challenges for engine cooling and driveshaft resonance. Taxi testing is taking place right now and we hope in the mext month or two Brent can get it out for the maiden flight test.

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Philip Vardara:
Philip Vardara has been restoring a 1946 Ercoupe and we are very excited to see that incredible mirror finish. The plane was just recently featured by AVweb as one of their "Picture of the Week" winners - Congratulations Philip.

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Propowash Newsletters:
The Auburn Aviation Association (AAA) newsletter is published monthly and includes a wide variety of information about airport activities, flight school operations, airport projects and stories about people and pilots. 

Select graphic below for the latest Issue:



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